Simple Fiber Network Management App
OSP Cables, Splice Closures, and Network Terminations. An internet application that helps users quickly understand and track important information about a OSP fiber network.
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OSP Fiber Connections
Efficient and clear OSP fiber connections management is at the core of our platform. Planned connections are highlighted in red for easy identification, with simple integration of splitters for enhanced flexibility.
Dashboards: OSP Cable, Splice Closure, Termination Panels
Our dashboards provide a comprehensive overview of all network elements, allowing users to seamlessly transition to detailed views of cables, closures, and terminations. Quick filtering options for OSP cables based on status—planned, in progress, or completed—streamline management processes.
Save Time with Specialized Features
Our platform offers a unique feature: a specialized view for splicing fibers, accessible on mobile devices. Technicians can easily view designated optical fibers for splicing and mark task completion directly on their smartphones, ensuring real-time updates and creating a comprehensive activity history.
Learn more »GIS Integration
Integration with GIS enhances the management of OSP cables, splice closures, cable slack, and termination panels, providing users with geospatial insights for optimized network planning and maintenance.
Fiber Route Diagram and Splice Schematics
Detailed fiber route diagrams and splice schematics offer crucial insights into OSP fiber connections, facilitating efficient planning and troubleshooting.
5 users
Manage many users with two types of permissions: full access or restricted access
of adding elements and generating schematics
Data Backup Services
Resources, Knowledge Base, Video Instruction
With a focus on user-centric design, intuitive features and streamlined content presentation, our SaaS solution redefines OSP fiber network management, empowering users to streamline operations and drive success.
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